If you ordered the FTDI Adapter pre assembled, you are ready to use it! Make sure you set the jumper to 3.3V or 5V according to your project. By default it will arrive set on 5V.
All the parts needed are included with the kit and are 1) LED’s – red, green, and blue. 2) resistors – 220Ω, 150Ω, and 100Ω. 3) 10µF Tantalum and (2) .1µF ceramic capacitors. 4) 6 position female header. 5) PCB board. 6) Mini USB jack. 7) Jumper or DIP shunt. 8) 3 position male header. 9) FT232RL IC.
The best soldering order for this lit is as follows: First, solder the mini USB connector, the the FT232RL IC, then resistors, then the LED’s then the capacitors, then the male header, and last but not least, the female header. You can see 2 videos on SMD soldering I did here and here.
Below is a reference picture of what parts go where on the board. You can click on the picture to enlarge it. 1) LED’s – red, green, and blue. 2) resistors – 220Ω, 150Ω, and 100Ω. 3) 10µF Tantalum and (2) .1µF ceramic capacitors. 4) 6 position female header. 5) PCB board. 6) Mini USB jack. 7) Jumper or DIP shunt. 8) 3 position male header. 9) FT232RL IC (notice the arrow pointing to the pin 1 reference).