Here is a video going through a list of functions, as well as descriptions listed below.
You can download the manual here: RGBW LED Controller v31
Button Commands – The firmware, as shipped, provides support for some basic commands for button control. A ‘long press’ is a button depressed for more than 1⁄2 second, while a ‘short press’ is a button press that is shorter than a 1⁄2 second.
Button 1 – A short press will increase the level of the white LED by 10%. If the white LED is at any level above 0%, a long press will fade the LED to 0. If the white LED is at 0%, a long press will bring the white LED to 100%. !
*If the controller is in cycle mode, this button increases the speed of the cycle. After the fastest speed, it will reset to the slowest. A long press of this button while in color cycle mode will reset the speed to the default.
Button 2 – Cycles through red, green, blue, magenta, cyan, gold, white (RGB white), and color cycle. Once in color cycle, a short press will freeze the cycle and retain the current color. At this point, a short press will start the cycle again. If you would like to stop the cycle, do a short press to freeze the cycle, and then a long press to turn the RGB channels off.
Serial Commands – The firmware, as shipped, provides support for some basic commands for serial control. A list of these commands are as follows:
red(x) – brings level of red to x percent. (x can be 0-100)
green(x) – brings level of green to x percent. (x can be 0-100)
blue(x) – brings level of blue to x percent. (x can be 0-100)
white(x) – brings level of white to x percent. (x can be 0-100)
magenta() – brings the RGB channels to magenta
cyan() – brings the RGB channels to cyan
gold() – brings the RGB channels to gold
rgbwhite() – brings the RGB channels to RGB white (all 100%)
orange() – brings the RGB channels to orange
ltblue() – brings the RGB channels to light blue
ltgreen() – brings the RGB channels to light green
violet() – brings the RGB channels to violet
pink() – brings the RGB channels to pink
rgbww() – brings the RGB channels to RGB warm white
gored() – brings the RGB channels to red, turns off blue and green
gogreen() – brings the RGB channels to green, turns off red and blue
goblue() – brings the RGB channels to blue, turns off red, and green
bright() – brings the RGB channels up 10%
dim() – brings the RGB channels down 10%
stat() – reports levels of the RGB channels
ramp(x) – sets the default rate for LED ramping. The lower the value of x, the faster it will ramp and vice versa. This setting is saved in EEPROM and will remain after being
powered off. (x can be 0-999, technically it’s the delay in the fade loop) The default value is 4.
cycle() – starts color cycling
pause() – stops color cycling
rate(x) – sets the rate of color fade when color cycling. This setting is saved in EEPROM and will remain after being powered off. (x can be 0 to 999) The default value is 4.
stay(x) – sets the time to stay on a color when color cycling, this value is in SECONDS, not milliseconds. (x can be 0-999) The default value is 0.
alloff() – Ramps LED’s to off at the default ramp rate.
Please ask all questions in the forums, thanks!