I am getting ready to sell some kits and wanted a good way to photograph the assembly without fumbling around trying to hold a camera in one hand and a project in the other. The answer? An intervalometer. A device that can send an IR signal to my Nikon, triggering the shutter. The video above explains all of the features including; automatic delay calculation, auto stop, multiple LCD and LED feedback options, Li-Po charging, FTDI headers, and manual control via button or plug-in foot switch.
This project will work with most Nikon DSLR cameras without changing anything, but can easily be adapted to work with Canon, Sony, or any camera that will accept an IR remote.
You can get nice RGB LCD’s, as well as the foot switch at Adafruit Industries. They even have positive character, negative character (the one used in this project), positive graphic, and negative graphic versions!
Eagle intervalometer schematic (Eagle format)
Eagle intervalometer schematic (PDF format)
Intervalometer Parts List (Numbers format)